We are thrilled to announce the successful conclusion of this event, which took place from 10-28 February 2023. The competition was held in conjunction with the opening of the Inspace Studio showroom, and we received an overwhelming response from participants. The competition was divided into two categories: Feeds and Reels. The photos were required to be submitted on Instagram with the hashtag #inspacephotointeriorcontest and had to be tagged with @inspacestudio.

We are pleased to announce that we received more than 50 registrations for the competition. We received a total of 40 photo submissions and 9 reel submissions. All the submissions were of exceptional quality, and it was clear that participants had put a lot of thought and effort into their work.
The judges had a tough time selecting the top two submissions from each category, as all the entries were truly outstanding. After careful consideration, the winners were announced on Instagram Story.
1st Winner of Feeds Categories

In the Feeds category, the first-place winner was Hubert Hoetama @huberthoetama
“Fotografi arsitektur/interior adalah cabang keilmuan fotografi yang pertama kali saya pelajari. Dari sana saya mulai menjadikan fotografi sebagai hobi saya dan sampai sekarang menjadi pekerjaan utama saya. Walau sudah menjadi pekerjaan utama saya masih sangat menikmati mengambil gambar terutama arsitektur/interior. Menghasilkan gambar yang baik dengan komposisi yang menarik serta pencahayaan yang tepat memberikan kesenangan tersendiri bagi saya.”
2nd Winner of Feeds Categories

The second place went to Yohan Naftali @yohannaftalibts
A room with a modern but timeless touch, looks simple but also elegant, minimalist but can also look glamorous. every corner looks well thought out but feels very comfortable to live in.
I think all these things belongs to @inspace_studio , also I really like their tagline :
“you deserve more than you spend”
The winner will receive a prize from Inspace Studio. We will be in touch with the winner shortly to provide more details about their prize.
The quality of the submissions has been exceptional, and we are excited to share what the rest of the participants come up with.

We would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to everyone who participated in the contest and shared their stunning interior photographs. It was a pleasure to see so many talented individuals showcase their creativity and vision.
On the other hand, the Reels category was required to create a photo to be a video that captured a moment in time.
1st Winner of Reels Categories
In Reels Categories, the first-place winner was Irine @irine.eyerene

Ruang adalah wadah eksplorasi aktivitas, didefinisikan oleh cahaya, dan keseimbangan material dalam tekstur dan warna.
Desain Interior memperkaya komposisi, menambah rasa dan citra pada penggunaan ruang itu sendiri. Memaksimalkan daya yang dimiliki ruang untuk menciptakan kenyamanan dan keselarasan.@inspace_studio sebagai “One Space Design Solution” memberikan solusi manfaat dalam kesatuan ruang.
2nd Winner of Reels Categories
Beberapa hari lalu gue diajak pasangan untuk liat-liat salah satu showroom interior design & build di Bandung. Ternyata untuk membuat sebuah hunian dengan interior yang cakep dan nyaman emang ga semudah kita nyontek dari pinterest terus suruh tukang buat kerjain itu 😂
Perlu campur tangan orang-orang ahli di bidangnya yang bisa mewujudkan konsep design yang sesuai dengan keinginan kita.
Kalau kalian sedang mencari interior design untuk rumah impianmu, Inspace Studio bisa jadi solusi 😊

We apologize for the confusion caused by the previous statement. The Reels category was actually intended for participants to create a Photo to be a Video. We understand that some participants may have created a video using the Reels feature on Instagram.
This caused a bit of a challenge for the judges during the selection process, as we had to evaluate submissions in different formats.
However, we want to assure all participants that all submissions were judged based on the same criteria, regardless of the format in which they were submitted. The judges evaluated the entries based on their originality, creativity, technical proficiency, and overall impact. They were particularly impressed by the emotional impact of the submissions, as many of the videos captured poignant, heartfelt moments that left a lasting impression.
We hope that this clarification clears up any confusion and assures all participants that their submissions were evaluated fairly and impartially. Thank you again for your participation in the Inspace Photo Competition 2023, and we look forward to seeing you at our future events!